
Mini Love Spoon Wedding Favours / Favors

Wedding FavoursIt has become customary for the bride to distribute wedding favours to guests at the reception, normally placing them at their place at the wedding feast. The purpose is both to seek a blessing on the marriage and to thank the guests for coming by giving them a memento of the occasion so that the guests keep the couple in mind and remember them in their prayers.

Welsh  Wedding FavoursHand Carved Mini Lovespoons: Cadwyn has produced mini lovespoons as wedding favours thereby marrying this modern custom with the old Welsh tradition of presenting a hand-carved wooden lovespoon at a wedding. Unlike other suppliers, we do not sell mass-produced replicas. All the miniature lovespoon favours are hand-carved.

Our Wedding Favours can be co-ordinated to go with the theme of the wedding, matching the flowers or the bridesmaid's dresses - It's your call!

Welsh  Wedding FavoursFree Engraving: At no extra cost we can engrave by hand the initial of the first name of the bride and groom on to the mini-lovespoons, to ensure that the wedding favours are truly unique, and will never be forgotten.

Quick Despatch: All orders despatched within 2 working days.

Welsh Wedding Favours

Free Gift Card: Each lovespoon comes with a little gift card with the following text "Please accept this mini-Lovespoon as a token of our gratitude for coming to seek a blessing on our marriage. The Celtic tradition was to give a Lovespoon, carved with 2 hearts, as a symbol of lasting commitment one to another." These Cards can also be personalised if you so wish, with your names added. We can even change the message.

Press here to Visit Cadwyn's Website for prices and extra information.

Ffafrau y Briodferch

Ffafrau PriodasDaeth yn arferiad i briodferch roi anrhegion (ffafrau) i westeion mewn priodas - er mwyn diolch iddyn nhw am ddod i geisio bendith ar y briodas ac hefyd fel atgoffeb iddyn nhw o'r achlysur, fel eu bod yn dal i gofio am y ddau sy'n priodi. Fel arfer, mae'r anrhegion hyn yn cael eu gosod ar y byrddau o flaen gwesteion yn y wledd briodas.

Welsh  Wedding FavoursLlwyau Caru Bach wedi cerfio â llaw : Mae Cadwyn yn darparu man lwyau caru fel anrhegion priodas o'r fath, ac felly'n priodi'r arferiad modern hwn gyda'r traddodiad o roi llwy garu ar adeg priodas. Yn wahanol i gyflenwyr eraill, nid ydym ni'n gwerth Llwyau sydd wedi'u gwneud mewn rhifau anferth gyda pheiriannau. Mae ein holl Lwyau Caru sydd gyda ni wedi eu cerfio â llaw yng Nghymru.

Gallwch ychwanebu rhiban at y ffafrau i gydfynd gyda thema'r briodas, y blodau neu wisgoedd y morwynion - mae i fyny i chi!

Welsh Wedding FavoursLlosgi rhad ac am ddim : Heb unrhyw gost ychwanegol gallwn losgi byrfoddau enwau'r priodfab a'r briodferch un ar bob calon er mwyn sicrhau anrheg personol na chaiff byth ei anghofio.

Dosbarthiad cyflym : Caiff pob Archeb ei ddanfon o fewn 2 niwrnod gwaith.

Welsh Wedding FavoursCerdyn rhad ac am ddim: Mae pob llwy garu yn dod gyda cherdyn bach gyda'r geiriad canlynol "Cyflwynwn i chi'r llwy garu fach hon, fel arwydd o'n diolch i chi am ddod heddi i fendithio ein priodas. Roedd hi'n draddodiad Cymreig i roi llwy garu, gyda 2 galon, fel symbol o'r ymroddiad llwyr y naill i'r llall." Gallwn hefyd ychwanegu eich enwau i'r cardiau yma hefyd os ydych chi'n dymuno.

Pwyswch yma i fynd at wefan Cadwyn.